3 steps to regrow hair in your 20’s!
Going bald can have a deep, psychological impact on anyone of any age, but especially in young men/women in their 20’s. In this blog article, we will discuss a few options that will provide you with the tools to fight hair loss and win.
Schedule a Consultation with a Hair Transplant surgeon
Schedule a consultation with a pre-screened hair transplant surgeon to discuss your options and understand what treatments are available which will be best suited for you. He/she will be equipped with the tools to properly diagnose the type of hair loss you may be suffering from. Hair loss can be caused by several factors such as stress, vitamin deficiencies, and lack of protein, anemia, and hypothyroidism hence finding the root cause of your hair loss is essential for creating a treatment plan.
Hair Loss Drugs
Catch it early! If you have in fact confirmed that you are suffering from androgenic alopecia, you are not late. There are two FDA approved hair loss drugs that are proven to slow and stop further balding. These include Rogaine(Minoxidil) and Propecia (Finasteride). The sooner you start medication maintenance therapy the longer you get to keep and enjoy your hair.
Hair Transplant
Lastly, surgical hair restoration now is a touchy subject for men in their 20’s because most doctors want to wait for patients to be at least 25 years old before having surgery. However, nothing is set in stone and certain individuals may qualify for surgery before the age of 25 according to your requirement and other aspects guided by your surgeon. Not all hair transplant surgeons have equal skill, talent, and experience of each hair transplant surgeon varies widely, as do their results. Choosing a qualified and skilled surgeon is very important for receiving natural results that will last a lifetime.
While all three of these methods may not fully bring your hair back from the glory days each option may help to provide the appearance of a fuller head of hair and have been proven to be effective in the war against hair loss.